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Teach Them Christian Literacy Program
at a Glance

Designed to reach and disciple youth globally in the Christian faith by equipping local partners with devotional commentaries, resources, and training.

Teach Them Culture-Recovery Literacy Program At A Glance

This program is designed to train and re-orient youth in primary and junior secondary schools in Greater Accra to be Ga-Culture literates.
It also develops a strong professional component that transforms existing volunteers into cultural literacy intervention experts: Volunteer teachers trained to use Culture-Recovery instructional procedures to design lessons for their students to accelerate their Ga-culture literacy learning.

Raising the next generation
of missionaries

Teach Them is a ministry supported by Christians who share our vision of serving both Christian youth and unsaved youth who are inquiring about Christ in various mission fields around the globe.
The main goal of Teach Them (TT) is to reach children’s mission fields especially among African Diaspora Communities with Christian and culturally relevant literature and educational resources to assist ministries in grounding their youth in the faith, as well as providing literacy skills and improving comprehension skills.

Teach Them
Culture-Recovery Literacy

This program attempts to recover aspects of Ga culture and heritage as outlined below:


  1. cultural traditions (stories, festivals, crafts, music, and dance)

  2. the heritage of languages and dialects

  3. histories of clans and communities

  4. people’s memories and experiences (through ‘oral history’)

  5. community archaeology

  6. historic buildings, monuments, and environments

  7. collections of objects, books or documents in libraries or archives

Reports from
the field

Watch responses from various ministries in
different countries

How is the program implemented?

Teach Them partners with local NGOs and community groups to undertake the programs in various schools and communities in Greater Accra.


What Does the Culture- Recovery Literacy Program Entail?


Typical Program: Each lesson will give students an opportunity to work on many different types of Ga/English reading skills and reading comprehension. Each lesson may consist of a wide variety of activities, including:


  • Reading books about Ga culture in Ga-English books

  • Crafts, music, and dance

  • Writing and creating stories and story boards from lessons on culture learned

  • Learning more about spelling patterns


How Long Is A

Culture-Recovery Program?

The students who participate in this program will receive at least one hour of instruction with specially trained volunteer teachers on two school days.


The program can last for up to two semesters. Students must demonstrate that they are capable of meeting the reading and comprehension expectations.


Observation Survey?

The observation survey is a tool that will be used throughout Culture-Recovery to help volunteer teachers assess each student’s skills and progress. This survey is designed to assess four skills, including:


Word Vocabulary: This is an assessment of each youth current Ga and English vocabulary.

Writing vocabulary: This is an assessment of how each youth is able to incorporate words from their personal vocabulary into their writing.

Speaking Vocabulary: This is an assessment of how each youth can incorporate words from their personal vocabulary into their speaking.

Text reading: The volunteer facilitator (teacher) will observe and record how each youth performs when reading continuous sections of text.


Research how effective the Culture-Recovery Program is?

The goal is to reduce three types of culture-recovery achievement gaps to safeguard Ga culture and heritage


  • The gap between low-performing and average-performing Ga-readers and writing students.

  • The gap between higher-income and poverty-level students.

  • The gap between non-native and native Ga-speaking students.

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T4X 1K8


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