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Prayer Missions


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Prayer Watch Ghana was initiated by Flora A. Trebi-Ollennu in 1992 in Saskatoon, Canada, in response to the good news that Ghana was transitioning to democracy. The military government led by Jerry John Rawlings lifted a ban on opposition parties with the new constitution in 1992, and presidential and legislative elections were scheduled.
A group of Ghanaian Graduate Students of the University of Saskatchewan who met weekly to share Christian fellowship responded to this initiative with enthusiasm. The future of Ghana would depend on this peaceful transition and prayer was key. Indeed, God answered the prayers of Ghanaians, and all went well despite a few disturbances as the military government in power translated itself into a political party and retained power. There was discontent among large swaths of the population who had hoped for a different party to win.
To look beyond the uneasy and nascent democracy and envision what Ghana would look in the coming decades demanded long-term strategic prayers backed by genuine faith. The faithful intercession of the saints can discern which future of Ghana will come to fruition. To undercut any democratic recession, Flora Trebi-Ollennu called for a week of Fasting and Prayer the following year, 1993, around Ghana’s Independence Week. She had picked this week strategically, as it would be easily remembered by participants as the call for intercession grew among the Ghanaian Diaspora. The voices of many other Ghanaian Christians living in Saskatoon joined the Graduate Student Fellowship to cry out to God. The round-up prayer meeting which took place in our apartment (my husband and I) lasted beyond four hours!
In the third year, Flora invited Samuel Abaidoo, another graduate student, to assist her in the preparation of the annual prayer outlines. And since then, Samuel Abaidoo has remained faithful as a co-coordinator of Prayer Watch Ghana.


Read past and current prayer outlines here


Watch past and current prayer outlines here 

Other Prayer Initiatives by Prayer Watch Ghana

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Election Prayers: This takes place when Ghana is scheduled for elections (every fourth year). Click here to read past prayer outlines.
Seven-Year Oil Watch Prayers (2007-2014): This call for prayer was in response to the news that Ghana had discovered oil. These prayers were organised to usher in oil blessings instead of the oil curse that had plagued many countries.
Founders Day Prayers: This Call to Prayer was in response to NDC declaring September 21, in 2009, as Founder’s Day to celebrate Dr Kwame Nkrumah, the first president of Ghana. This opportunity was used to request special prayers for the sitting president, the vice and their families as well as descendants of the Big Six whose toil and tears earned Ghana independence in 1957.


Read past prayer outlines.

“By casting ourselves on God, Ghana’s oil has become God’s personal property, secured by Him, shaped by Him, and its use directed by Him. Give Him a shout of praise.”

Flora Trebi-Ollennu


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This prayer initiative by Flora Trebi-Ollennu was in response to the marking of 400 years since the first enslaved Africans arrived in America (1619 – 2019).
The goal is to rally prayer and intercession for Pan-Africans for the next forty years beyond the 400 YEARS since slavery (2019) and to provide a SPIRITUAL ROAD MAP FOR ALL PAN-AFRICAN PEOPLE through the Wilderness of Rebuilding ahead.
Read past and current prayer outlines.

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