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Who We Are

TKOFCD’s mission is to empower struggling segments of society to exercise their humanity, build civic discourse, and engage their creative potential by connecting them to resources for development to build healthy and safe communities.

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Our vision is to raise communities of hope where both young and old enjoy spiritual, mental, social, emotional, and physical wellbeing along with economic freedom within a culturally competent environment.

Our Story

The Trebi Kuma Ollennu Foundation for Community Development (TKOFCD) is a faith-based community development organization birthed out of the vision of Flora Amerley Trebi-Ollennu. TKOFCD was registered as a non-profit organisation in 2012. Trebi-Ollennu’s deep commitment to community development began as a teenager when she and her siblings assisted their father, Trebi Kuma Ollennu, to run a community development organisation, La Mansaamo Kpee, that brought education, health programs, credit facilities, and sanitation to struggling segments of their community.

Trebi-Ollennu’s passion to help struggling communities, blossomed into many community development efforts from the early 1990’s. To leverage this mission and passion to have a wider impact, Trebi-Ollennu founded the Trebi Kuma Ollennu Foundation for Community Development in 2012. Trebi-Ollennu leads her team in cultivating community partnerships and developing resources that enable TKOFCD to fulfill its mandate and mission.

Meet the Team

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